5 - Automation Enthusiast
5 - Automation Enthusiast
since ‎Jul 20, 2016
‎Mar 09, 2024

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I would like to calculate profit margin. I already have a formula field to calculate COGs. But, when I try to use the results of the COGS formula field in a new formula, it doesn’t work. Is that normal? So, I tried this formula to bypass using a fien...
I have a table “Roster.” The records are people who’s status may be members of an organization or may be visitors. I have another table “visitor follow-up” where each record is a link from each person on “roster” with a “visitor” status and has field...
Have you considered a Wordpress plugin to display data from bases on web pages? I know I could embed a web page view in a Wordpress page, but a plugin would be cool.
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