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Introducing Expanded Support for Interfaces on Mobile


Hi all! I’m Rosalind – a product marketing manager at Airtable focused on helping teams build powerful, custom applications that make work more efficient. I’m happy to share that we have expanded the capabilities of our interface feature for our Airtable mobile application. 

Starting today, users can access an expanded list of layout types on mobile, including Kanban views, Charts, and Numbers.

New Interfaces functionality on mobile 

Automatic setup. We’ve designed interfaces on mobile to work without any user setup required. All you need to do to access your interfaces is log in to your Airtable account through our mobile application on an iOS or Android device – your interfaces will show up automatically!

Note that interfaces on mobile do not yet support the Blank, Timeline, Record Review, or Record Summary layout types. 

Support for List, Gallery, and Calendar views. We’ve optimized multiple view types of display on mobile – making each easier to navigate and edit.



Support for Charts and Numbers. Now, you can view charts and numbers on your dashboards from mobile. Right now, this functionality is only supported on iOS, but we plan to expand this to Android devices in the future.



The expanded capabilities of the Airtable mobile app will make it easier to take quick actions on the go like commenting, viewing important information, and updating records, keeping you more connected with your work.

If you haven’t tried the Airtable mobile app, you can download it from the App Store or the Google Play store.

While we’ve prioritized mobile features that support user’s most urgent tasks, we will continue to expand our feature set across both iOS and Android devices, so stay tuned!

17 replies

  • Participating Frequently
  • 14 replies
  • February 20, 2024

Awesome, thanks for posting!


Which version of the app supports interfaces on Android? Just so I know what update to look out for 🤞

  • Participating Frequently
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  • February 23, 2024

Are these interfaces also accessible on iPad?

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  • Retired Employee
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  • February 23, 2024

@alxwlfe_airbnb version 6.0.1 supports interfaces on Android


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  • February 23, 2024

@Chase11 As of now, mobile interfaces are not supported on the native iPad app. We recommend using the mobile browser (safari or chrome) to view interfaces on iPad, but I'd be happy to share your feedback with the team!


  • Participating Frequently
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  • March 10, 2024


Great to hear that interfaces have been expanded to mobile! I just tried to test it out, but none of my interfaces appear to be loading. I have a Moto Razr+ 2023, Android 13 if it matters and I checked to make sure I have the most up to date version of the Airtable app. Is there something else I should be checking or is this a known issue? Thank you in advance 🙂

  • Participating Frequently
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  • March 12, 2024

Hi @Rosalind_Lutsky,

My clients are consistenly frustrated that the app I built for them with Interfaces isn't working on mobile.

Please provide an ETA for the support of Record View (most of my Interface apps use that!).

This is a very off situation where such an innovative company isn't support mobile viewing of the deliverables it creates.... 🙂

Looking forward,


  • Community Manager
  • 136 replies
  • March 12, 2024

Hey @EricGuy and @idodan

Thanks for reaching out to the community about this experience. I think some extra context is needed here, so I’d recommend reaching out to Support for a more specific approach based on what you're experiencing.

Hope this helps!

  • Inspiring
  • 601 replies
  • March 13, 2024

@Rosalind_Lutskyis there any work scheduled for the Airtable Mobile App lists view, specifically the iOS app?

I was hoping the Airtable mobile app would support a simple check-list style approach, so that a pre-prepared table of records with a check-list field could be opened in the Airtable Mobile app (as a list view, or grid view), with the user experience focusing on;

  • Easy check-list operation, check an record, uncheck an record.
  • Compact records, so ~15 records can be seen and interacted with ( directly checked/unchecked)
  • Records auto-sort, so a checked record will sort out of view when checked (or however the sort is configured by the base/view admin).
  • No need to dig into nested UI elements or side sheets or pop-ups to check/uncheck items. I just want to see all the records that can fit on a screen with their check-boxes, and tap them to toggle that check-box.

If anyone has used the check-list feature in Microsoft OneNote on a mobile app, this is the exact experience that I'm after within the Airtable Mobile app - however the issue with OneNote is that it's "dumb" data. Were Airtable to have a similar user experience however, soooo much power would come with a simple check-list base... I'd really love to discuss this more with your development team if given an opportunity.

Thanks for keeping us up to date on all things.

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  • March 20, 2024

Hey @Karlstens! Really appreciate your thorough feedback – I've shared it all with the team. We have a number of improvements slated for the next few months that I think will address the majority of your needs. In the meantime, we do currently support prefix fields for the list view, are you able to use that to address your checklist needs?

  • Inspiring
  • 601 replies
  • March 20, 2024

Good morning @Rosalind_Lutsky - yes, I've attempted several techniques with Airtable bases/views and interfaces where my objective was to use Airtable as a tick-off check-list style application. All of which faced significant mobile OS limitations to the point where the app isn't used and the ideas are stuck.

I'm OK for your team to reach out for me if they'd like to discuss, as I'm happy to help with suggestions for product improvement, in return for better user experiences.

@EricGuy @idodan -- you may be experiencing this issue because your Interface pages are built on legacy layouts. We've been spending the last year improving those layouts so that they can be automatically responsive on Mobile. Hope this helps.

  • Participating Frequently
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  • April 17, 2024

@Kelly_OShaughne I'd say about a month after this post, all of the interfaces currently available began working for me on mobile, so further issues on my end. I doubt that I'm building on legacy interfaces though since we've only just adopted Airtable as of December '23, but thank you for your follow-up!

@Eric11 Glad that it's all working now!

  • New Participant
  • 2 replies
  • April 22, 2024

How come I still didn’t receive this update on my iPhone?? I am located in the EU (Denmark) and still running version 10.6.5 that doesn’t support these new interface features.

D you know when this update will be rolled out in my region?

  • Participating Frequently
  • 5 replies
  • May 21, 2024

Hi guys, the Charts and Numbers inteface has stopped working on mobile app. Can you guys check? 

Hi there - am I experiencing a bug or are there any plans for Mobile Interfaces to automatically refresh for users on at least some interval? Currently, me and all of my employees have to go back all the way to the Airtable app's home page and by pull down to refresh, then go back into the interface again. I can't imagine this to be what everyone using mobile interfaces has to rely on for getting updated data to display? 


Hello, I have a question for the list interface in mobile

I have a button in the interface that links to and external URL but the button only appears in the desktop, not on the mobile

I also tried putting the URL as a hyperlink in the description of the list and the link will not work in the mobile environment.

Is there a fix for this or not an available feature yet?
