Help formula syntax rules for Airtable

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I'm using and have a connection to Airtable and am trying to do a simple search on a table. I can't find a guide on Make or Airtable on the syntax required in Make's Formula field.

I would like to do something like the following logic

{Email}='' AND {Date} >= CURRENTDATE

Where Email and Date are fields in the table I want to search. I can't seem to find the equivalent of CURRENTDATE in airtalble's Formula Playground or elsewhere.

1 Solution

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18 - Pluto
18 - Pluto

You need to create an Airtable formula for the search module. See the Formula Field Reference for how to create a formula. There is no CURRENTDATE function in Airtable's formula language. You may want to use TODAY() or NOW().

You might want something like this ... (the dates might be flip-flopped).
AND({Email}='', DATETIME_DIFF({Date},TODAY(), 'day')>=0)

See Solution in Thread

2 Replies 2
18 - Pluto
18 - Pluto

You need to create an Airtable formula for the search module. See the Formula Field Reference for how to create a formula. There is no CURRENTDATE function in Airtable's formula language. You may want to use TODAY() or NOW().

You might want something like this ... (the dates might be flip-flopped).
AND({Email}='', DATETIME_DIFF({Date},TODAY(), 'day')>=0)

Thank you very much, that worked. I was surprised it did because I wasn't sure how the query would work. I guess it retrieves all records w/ a matching email, and then looks at the Date one-by-one using the formula. I hope in the future, AirTable implements a simple function CURRENT_DATE.