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How are Ya'll handling taxes?

Hey Friends!Got an invoice table that calculates taxes before we send it out. We're in the service industry, meaning sales are done in many different counties.Currently I just have Airtable reference the address to pull the county and apply that coun...

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How to Delete a Record from the List View?

Hello!Does anyone know how to delete records from a List View? When I select a record and right click I do not have the option to delete like I would from the Grid View.Is anyone else having the same experience?

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Trying to Upgrade But No Reply from Airtable

My company has been trying to reach someone from Sales to manage our upgrade to Business but has been having no luck hearing back. Does anyone have a way to get someone from Sales ti get in touch with us?

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Some users edits not saving

Hi all,A couple of users on my bases are making edits on the base, such as ticking a check box or adding a comment to a record, then when they return to that record the next day their changes have been removed, ie the checkbox is unticked and the com...

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Enabling form redirects with record_ID not working?

Hi, I've setup a form and I'm unsure why the pretty simple directions for "Enabling form redirects with record_ID" section from does not function correctly. I have gotten this to work...

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Resolved! New to Airtable - best way to conceptualize solutions

I know about the various training resources for Airtable. I am wondering what more advanced users may suggest as far as approaching how to apply the tool to particular problems. We are an HOA management group and are moving away from Town Square in o...

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