
Re: Select Multiple Records and Update

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6 - Interface Innovator
6 - Interface Innovator


I want to be able to select multiple records in a base and update a field in all selected records. I’m thinking this will probably need a script where I can enter a value and then push a button to update all selected records with that value.

Has anyone done this or have an idea to get me started please?


1 Solution

Accepted Solutions

Ah, yes, that does complicate matters.

I’ve created a solution here, and you can view the script by duplicating the base.


This seems like overkill, but yeah I totall get what you mean when you say it’s for a client.


Do you think they’d be able to handle the following?

  1. In the linked field, click the “+” icon
  2. Select the field I want to link it to
  3. Press “CTRL + C”
  4. Select the other records I want to update, press “CTRL + V”

See Solution in Thread

5 Replies 5

Hi Jason, chances are you already know about good old shift and click to select multiple records and then paste (gif below), as well as Airtable’s Batch Update App, so I take it there’s something specific you’re trying to do that it can’t achieve?


If you could give me a specific example of what you’re trying to do I would be happy to try to help

Hi Adam,

Thanks for for responding. It’ a little more complicated than that.

I have records, in a view, that need assigning to a project via a linked record field. When a record is added to a project i.e. the linked filed has a value, then the record disappears from the view due to the filter on the view.

Ideally I want to link one record to a view and then drag this value (or copy and paste) to other records that need assigning to the project. The problem is the record disappears when it is added to a project, so not there to drag the value to the other records.

I know there are work arounds but its for a client and I want to make it easy as possible so envisioned an option to select a bunch of records and then select a project and update them all.

Hope this makes sense

Ah, yes, that does complicate matters.

I’ve created a solution here, and you can view the script by duplicating the base.


This seems like overkill, but yeah I totall get what you mean when you say it’s for a client.


Do you think they’d be able to handle the following?

  1. In the linked field, click the “+” icon
  2. Select the field I want to link it to
  3. Press “CTRL + C”
  4. Select the other records I want to update, press “CTRL + V”

Hey Adam, thanks you so much. I really appreciate it and this is exactly what I was looking for. Awesome!!

4 - Data Explorer
4 - Data Explorer

I had the same issue, especially when the field I wanted to update was used to filter the data as well!

My solution is not the best, but works for me. I created a separate checkbox column to select the rows I want to update. I also created a new view with only one filter → "checkbox is ✔". This way I can select the rows I want, move to the "Checkbox View" make any changes without the filtering getting in the way, and then return to my other view where I can also easily uncheck the previously selected rows.

I hope this helps