Base Design
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Base Design Activity

Create a table with all tasks with today's date

Good afternoonStill a newbie to Airtable so I appreciate the help.I have a series of tables that have a "next follow up" column and I'd like to be able to create a table that would show only those with the due date of today.  In other words, it would...

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Changing Field Type

I want to change a field type from single line text to a multi select. There are 606 records inputted as single line text, but we need to make them multi select as we will be using that data as tags in Softr to create search capabilities. When I go t...

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Resource Management across different role linked fields

Hey guys,I am trying to build a company wide resource management tool using the timeline interface with utilization. This works with how I normally do resource management for tracking individual rolls where everyone i tagged under the same linked fie...

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Base Syncs best practice - View for each sync or all under one?

Hey guys!Quick question on best practices for Base sync, I currently have multiple views for each base sync but wondering if it's better to have all syncs under one view.Example:Base Clients pulling from table Companies has separate views to sync to ...

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Why Number fields keep removing the leading number zero?

I have a number field, no formula related, just simple number field. I have been trying to type 0210, it shows 210 instead, the leading "0" is automatically missing, is there anyway that I can keep the 0? thanks

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Xing by 6 - Interface Innovator

Form population and auto saving to base

Hi I have started another base. The main base is working fine and this base is for an add on registration service. I tried to create the form have filled out the film and submitted it but...

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Issue with syncing data properly

I have two bases and two tables.  Base 2 Table 2 table has initiative name , objectives, key results, earliest date (based on all projects in base 1 table 1) and latest data (based on all projects in base1 table 1)  and list of all program that have ...

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Show accounts added or lost over time

Hi, I'm trying to track accounts added or lost over time. I want to be able to view this data by week, month, quarter, or year and compare it to the previous period. How can I set this up? Base contains Customer Name, Added Date, Lost Date among othe...

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