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Formula to validate single-line text field input

I need a formula to verify a single-line text field only contains productId's separated by commas with <=30 comma separated productId's.OK: <=30 comma separated 8-character productIdsNot OK: >30 productId's; <8 or >8 character productId's, not comma ...

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Recap of Project/Event Management Essentials Session

Airtable EDUser Group Event RecordingHey everyone! Thanks to all who joined our second EDUser Group meeting! We took a deep dive into project and event management in Airtable, showcasing customization, automation, team notifications, task management...

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More Fixed Web Session Length Options

What is the proposed idea/solution?Add more options to the Fixed Web Session Length settings to provide lengths between 4 and 8 hours. Alternatively, allow custom web session lengths for individual users.How does it solve the user problems?On the Ent...

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Allow Formula Fields to Show on Forms

I am working on a form where the user will need to enter several expenses and then submit a total request amount based on those expenses. It would be so helpful if the expense fields that the user enters could be automatically totaled on the form in ...

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Resolved! Rollup: attributing value to multiple sources

Hi there,I have a team of account executives and I'm trying to rollup the amount of revenue each person manages during a 12-month period. Revenue is generated on a per project basis. Each project has a start and end date and a monthly retainer fee, w...

Screenshot 2025-02-14 at 9.14.39 AM.png Screenshot 2025-02-14 at 9.22.39 AM.png
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Map visualization on Interfaces

What is the proposed idea/solution?It would be great to have the option to render a map as a component of Interfaces, similar to the Map extension on the case.How does it solve the user's problems?It's a really graphic way to visualize location-based...

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code_challenge in OAuth authorization request response

The Airtable OAuth specification says that authorization request responses will return the same code_challenge that was included in the original request.These docs also say that this value must be verified: The code_challenge parameter you passed in ...

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Help creating automation for a dog trainer

Hello. I am a dog trainer with multiple board and train dogs that stay with me for various programs I offer. I teach the dogs in phases, and would like to keep track of where each dog is in their progress. Can I have an automation where if a record i...

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Airtable Top Contributors | January 2025

Hey Airtable Community, It’s the month of  LOVE  so it’s only right to shower some love and gratitude on our top contributors today! If one of these members has helped you out, show them some apprec...


Join Us for Q1 Onboarding Office Hours!

Hey Airtable Community  Last fall, we piloted a new monthly program designed to empower both new and existing Airtable users with the tools and insights needed for long-term success. Thanks to posit...


Airtable Top Contributors | December 2024

Hey Airtable Community, Happy new year  I hope you all had a chance to get some rest and relaxation before ringing in the new year. Let’s start off the new year with some positivity by celebrating De...
