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Forum Posts

You should provide valid api key to perform this operation

Hello! I'm using the Airtable API and I'm encountering an error.I'm making API requests in Node.js with OAuth authentication to retrieve records with applied filters. However, I'm receiving an error message that says 'You should provide a valid API k...

스크린샷 2023-09-15 오후 1.43.24.png
Outcode by 4 - Data Explorer
  • 1 replies
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Please bring back React devtools for custom extensions

React devtools used to be found in the "Advanced" tab while developing a custom extension.  They no longer are and I heard that they got removed for maintenance difficulties.Can you please bring them back or somehow give us a workaround for using the...

Jake_Wilson by 6 - Interface Innovator
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OpenAPI Specification Generator Block

OpenAPI is an API specification format which provides a way of creating a standard format to represent a given REST API. There’s a large community of tools built on top of the OpenAPI definition, including mock servers, schema visualizers, and SDK g...

Image 2020-07-11 at 11.15.01 AM

Resolved! Chat GPT for Data Analysis

I'm trying to use ChatGPT to analyze written data from airtable surveys, but ChatGPT is unable to access the information from a csv file. Is it possible to connect ChatGPT to Airtable in order to give it access to specific tables? The idea would be t...

omf by 5 - Automation Enthusiast
  • 17 replies
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Extensions - MSAL/OAuth login

Hi,I've just started looking at creating an Extension, and one of the things I'd like to do is authenticate the user against Azure AD through either implicit or PCKE flows so I can then call internal APIs requiring an AD token. For a normal React app...


Can anyone help me with how to use  useRecordActionDataIn the docs it is describing that it can be triggered when we open the extensionI want to perform oauth while opening the extensioncan anyone help me with this?

SathishJ56 by 4 - Data Explorer
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Security: Airtable vs Jira

Hi All,In terms of security and protection of clients data, which is better Airtable or Jira? how they are different from each other when it comes to security ? Many thanks 
