7 - App Architect
7 - App Architect
since ‎Jul 20, 2020
‎Nov 29, 2022

User Statistics

  • 42 Posts
  • 3 Solutions
  • 8 Kudos given
  • 95 Kudos received

User Activity

Hi all, We’re excited to release an open beta of a new Blocks Testing package! This new npm package will make it much easier to write tests for the apps that you build - crucially, without having to rely on the Airtable backend to run your block in a...
Happy February! We’re excited to announce that our new remoteFetchAsync function is now live within the Scripting App. One of the most common issues we see users run into when writing scripts is in trying to use the fetch API to communicate with an e...
Hi everyone, As part of our ongoing effort to make Airtable more and more extensible, we’re beginning to expand access to the Metadata API. The metadata API gives you read-only access to a list of a user’s bases, as well as the specific schema of eac...
Happy New Year! We’re excited to open up a beta for a new remoteFetchAsync function in the Scripting App. One of the most common issues we see users run into when writing scripts is in trying to use the fetch API to communicate with an external servi...
Hi there! We’re excited today to announce the support for script templates in the marketplace. We’ve been excited to see this community forum become a rich place for Airtable users to help each other out and collaborate. In particular, we’ve loved s...