
Bulk Delete records created via emailed csv sync

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I have a base that has many tables that are synced via emailed CSVs. One table was initially set up with multiple emailed files where they were ingested as updates to the table, which resulted in the ~100,000 records needed. for initial setup.

Since then, updates are sent through each night with updates (which are much smaller record counts). Some of the records that are updated causes them to fall "out of scope", meaning they aren't needed in the table anymore. I'm aware of the ability to delete records, one by one, that are not in the source data (current emailed CSV), however since the emailed CSVs are a much smaller subset, and at this point there are MANY "out of scope" records, it would result in searching through a list of over 100,000 records, for each record that needs to be deleted.

Now, to my question - is there any way to mass delete records, given the circumstances described above? I am able to identify the records that are no longer needed through a formula field, but that's about as far as I can get. 

Thanks in advance for any information.

3 Replies 3

In the grid view, you can create a filter to show you just the records that you’d like to delete.

Then, click on the checkmark in the upper left corner of the grid to highlight all of your records.

Then right-click on one of the highlighted records and choose Delete.

Hope this helps!

— ScottWorld, Expert Airtable Consultant

Thanks for the reply, however the records are created via email sync, so they cannot be deleted with that method. 

18 - Pluto
18 - Pluto

Oh, that's right — I forgot about that very big limitation.

I would probably turn your sync table into a normal table, and then use a different method to keep your records in sync from that point forward, such as using Make's CSV automations. I show how to use this technique on this Airtable podcast episode.