I am trying to call an external API using airtable script extension/automation.
Those external APIs require Referer header validation. So, I tried the following based on the results of the search, but the Referer header is not set.
await fetch(URL, {
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'Referer': 'https://airtable.com'
referrer: 'https://airtable.com',
referrerPolicy: 'origin'
Please let me know if there is a way to set the Referer header.
The reason we need a Referer header is to verify that request is from the Airtable. If Airtable team have a remote server that performs script/automation, please let us know all the IP bands of the server. Then we can verify requests without Referer header.
- https://airtable.com/developers/scripting/api/fetch
- https://community.airtable.com/t5/development-apis/airtable-domain-used-for-fetch-requests/td-p/1336...