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(No conflict Scheduling) Script issue

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I’m trying to use @Kamille_Parks Script No-Conflict Appointment Scheduler
but I’m having a slight issue trying to set it up to allow Same day Scheduling currently it only allows appointments as soon as the next day.
Any ideas?

I found the line
266 //loopdates.push(loopCurrent); //NOTE: uncomment this to allow same-day scheduling

but i wasn’t able to get it to work.

Following is the script I am using with changes i made.

Script: No-Conflict Appointment Scheduler

Author: Kamille Parks

This is the sister-script to my "No-Conflict Asset Reservations" script. This script performs a similar function, 

however this one is built for appointment/reservations which start and end on the same day. It allows users to

select a service, pick a qualified agent/employee to perform that service, and then select upcoming dates and times

which work for that agent. The script opts to use buttons as opposed to text box inputs to reduce human error in

typing in correctly formatted date/time strings. The script prevents double-booking an agent by filtering out time

periods and even whole days when they are already scheduled for another appointment.



const BaseSpecificNames = {

    // appointments Table

    appointmentsTable: "Schedule", // name of the [APPOINTMENTS] table

    agentField: "ITD", // name of the link-type field connecting to the [AGENTS] table

    startField: "Start Date",

    endField: "End Date",

    personField: "Student", // name of the link-type field connection to the [PEOPLE] table

    serviceField: "Event",

    // Agents Table

    agentsTable: "ITD", // name of the [ITS] table

    agentName: "ITD", // name of the primary field in the [ITD] table

    appointmentsField: "Appointments",

    scheduleField: "Schedule",

    servicesField: "Events",

    // People Table

    peopleTable: "Students", // name of the [PEOPLE] table

    peopleName: "First name", // name of the primary field in the [PEOPLE] table

    emailField: "Email",

    phoneField: "Last name",

    // Services Table

    servicesTable: "Events", // name of the [SERVICES] table

    servicesName: "Name", // name of the primary field in the [SERVICES] table

    durationField: "Time Needed",


// SCRIPT SETTINGS Section: edit the values of the two arrays below to adjust the available start times and event durations

const allowedBusinessHours = [

    '08:00 am', '05:00 pm'


const startTimeInterval = 30; // enter a time in MINUTES.

const dateSearchInterval = {

    label: 'two weeks', // enter a human-friendly label

    value: 15 // enter the number of days + 1 for your prefered date search scope


const defaultBusinessDays = ['Monday','Tuesday','Wednesday','Thursday','Friday',]; // if an agent doesn't have a custome schedule, default selectable days to a company-wide set


 * Do NOT edit below this line




// Variable Declarations

let startDate, endDate, startYear, startMonth, startDay, startHour, startMinute, startMeridiem;

const daysOfWeek = ['Sunday','Monday','Tuesday','Wednesday','Thursday','Friday','Saturday'];

const businessHours = [];

const allStartTimes = [];

const peopleTable = base.getTable(BaseSpecificNames.peopleTable);

const peopleQuery = await peopleTable.selectRecordsAsync();

const allPeople = peopleQuery.records;

const appointmentsTable = base.getTable(BaseSpecificNames.appointmentsTable);

const appointmentsQuery = await appointmentsTable.selectRecordsAsync();

const allAppointments = appointmentsQuery.records;

const agentsTable = base.getTable(BaseSpecificNames.agentsTable);

const agentsQuery = await agentsTable.selectRecordsAsync({sorts: [{field: BaseSpecificNames.agentName}]});

const allAgents = agentsQuery.records;

const servicesTable = base.getTable(BaseSpecificNames.servicesTable);

const servicesQuery = await servicesTable.selectRecordsAsync({sorts: [{field: BaseSpecificNames.servicesName}]});

const allServices = servicesQuery.records;

let conflicts, unavailableAgents, availableAgents;

let overlaps = [];

let altered = [];

let unaltered = [];

let sameDayappointments = [];

let filteredTimeOptions;

// Get usable business hours

for (let x of allowedBusinessHours) {

    let split = x.split(/:| /);

    let hour = Number(split[0]);

    let minute = Number(split[1]);

    if (split[2] == 'pm' && hour !== 12 ) { hour += 12; }

    businessHours.push([hour, minute]);


// Split start times

const intervalTimesBegin = new Date(2020,0,1,businessHours.slice(0)[0].slice(0)[0],businessHours.slice(0)[0].slice(0)[1],0,0);

const intervalTimesEnd = new Date(2020,0,1,businessHours.slice(1)[0].slice(0)[0],businessHours.slice(0)[0].slice(0)[1],0,0);

let maxTimeInMinutes = (businessHours.slice(1)[0].slice(0)[0] * 60) + businessHours.slice(1)[0].slice(1)[0];

var intervalTimesLoopX = new Date(intervalTimesBegin);

const miscAllowedStartTimes = [intervalTimesBegin];

while (intervalTimesLoopX < intervalTimesEnd) {

    let current = new Date(intervalTimesLoopX.setTime(intervalTimesLoopX.getTime() + startTimeInterval*60000));



for (let x of miscAllowedStartTimes) {

    let hour = x.getHours();

    let minute = x.getMinutes();

    let displayHour = hour;

    let meridiem = "am";

    if (hour > 11 ) { 

        if (hour != 12) {displayHour = hour-12;};

        meridiem = "pm"


    let displayMinute = minute.toString();

    if (minute < 10) {displayMinute="0"+minute}

    let hoursxminutes = (hour * 60) + minute;

    let displayTime = displayHour + ":" + displayMinute + " " + meridiem

    allStartTimes.push({label: displayTime, value: [hour,minute], hoursxminutes: hoursxminutes})


// Create individual input button options for each value from the array above

let startTimeOptions = []

for (let option of allStartTimes) { startTimeOptions.push({label: option.label, value: option.value}) }

// Functions Section

async function splitStartDateInput(startDateInput) {

    let startDateInputSplit = startDateInput.split(/\D/);

    startYear = Number(startDateInputSplit[0]);

    startMonth = Number(startDateInputSplit[1])-1;

    startDay = Number(startDateInputSplit[2]);


async function constructStartDate(startTimeInput) {

    startHour = Number(startTimeInput[0]);

    startMinute = Number(startTimeInput[1]);

    startDate = new Date(startYear, startMonth, startDay, startHour, startMinute);


async function findSameDayappointments(duration, selectedAgent, startYear, startMonth, startDay, filteredTimeOptions) {

    // Get any appointments that stylist has for that day

    sameDayappointments = allAppointments.filter(appointment => {

        let theAgent = appointment.getCellValueAsString(BaseSpecificNames.agentField);

        let theDate = new Date(appointment.getCellValue(BaseSpecificNames.startField));

        return theAgent.includes( && startYear == theDate.getFullYear() && startMonth == theDate.getMonth() && startDay == theDate.getDate();


    // For each existing appointment for that Agent on the selected day, get the start and end times

    let unavailableTimes = [];

    for (let appointment of sameDayappointments) {

        let start = new Date(appointment.getCellValue(BaseSpecificNames.startField));

        let end = new Date(appointment.getCellValue(BaseSpecificNames.endField));

        unavailableTimes.push([start, end])


    // Find start time options that would cause the new appointment to overlap with an existing record

    let eliminatedStartTimes = [];

    for (let option of allStartTimes) {

        startHour = Number(option.value[0]);

        startMinute = Number(option.value[1]);

        let thisStart = new Date(startYear, startMonth, startDay, startHour, startMinute);

        let thisEnd = new Date(thisStart.getTime() + duration*1000);

        let thisOffest = thisStart.getTimezoneOffset();

        for (let appointment of sameDayappointments) {

            let compareStartInitial = new Date(appointment.getCellValue(BaseSpecificNames.startField));

            let compareStart = new Date(compareStartInitial.getTime() + thisOffest*60000);

            let compareEndInitial = new Date(appointment.getCellValue(BaseSpecificNames.endField));

            let compareEnd = new Date(compareEndInitial.getTime() + thisOffest*60000);

            if ((compareStart >= thisStart && compareStart <= thisEnd) || thisStart >= compareStart && thisStart <= compareEnd || (compareStart <= thisStart && compareEnd >= thisEnd)) {





    // Filter out the start time options which would end the event after business hours are over or which were found to cause overlapping appointments

    let filteredStartTimes = allStartTimes.filter(option => {

        let x = option.hoursxminutes;

        return ((x + duration/60) <= maxTimeInMinutes && ! eliminatedStartTimes.includes(option));



    for (let option of filteredStartTimes) { filteredTimeOptions.push({label: option.label, value: option.value}) }


// Begin Script

output.markdown(`# Schedule a New Event`);

// Using the email address as a unique identifier, check if this is an existing customer

let email = await input.textAsync(BaseSpecificNames.personField + ' Email:');

let matchingExistingPeople = allPeople.filter(search => {

    let compareEmail = search.getCellValueAsString(BaseSpecificNames.emailField);

    return email == compareEmail;


let person, personID

if (matchingExistingPeople.length > 0) {

    // Select the existing customer with this email

    person = matchingExistingPeople[0];

    output.markdown(`#### Welcome back, ${}.`)

    personID =

} else {

    // Create a new customer record

    let name = await input.textAsync(BaseSpecificNames.personField + ' First Name:');

    let phone = await input.textAsync(BaseSpecificNames.personField + ' Last Name:');

    personID = await peopleTable.createRecordAsync({

        [BaseSpecificNames.peopleName]: name,

        [BaseSpecificNames.emailField]: email,

        [BaseSpecificNames.phoneField]: phone



// Prompt the user to select a service to be scheduled

let selectedService = await input.recordAsync('Requested ' + BaseSpecificNames.serviceField + ':', servicesTable);

let duration = selectedService.getCellValue(BaseSpecificNames.durationField);

// Filter out all the agents who don't provide the selected service

let qualifiedAgents = allAgents.filter(record => {

    let servicesOffered = record.getCellValueAsString(BaseSpecificNames.servicesField);

    return servicesOffered.includes(;


// Prompt the user to select an agent from the filtered set

let selectedAgent = await input.recordAsync(BaseSpecificNames.agentField + ':', qualifiedAgents);

// Identify the selected agent's work schedule

let customSchedule = selectedAgent.getCellValueAsString(BaseSpecificNames.scheduleField);

let scheduleUsed

let scheduleString

if (customSchedule.length > 0) {

    scheduleUsed = customSchedule.toString().replace(/ /g, '').split(',');

    scheduleString = customSchedule

} else {

    scheduleUsed = defaultBusinessDays;

    scheduleString = scheduleUsed.toString().replace(/,/g, ', ')


let scheduleArray = [];

for (let day of scheduleUsed) { scheduleArray.push(daysOfWeek.indexOf(day)) }

// Find next available dates where that stylist will be working based on the schedule

output.markdown(`**NOTE:** ${} works on the following days of the week: ${scheduleString}.`);

output.markdown(`*Searching availability for the next ${dateSearchInterval.label}...*`);

let now = new Date();

let loopEnd = new Date();

loopEnd.setDate(now.getDate() + dateSearchInterval.value) // default at two weeks

let loopDates = [];

//loopdates.push(loopCurrent); //NOTE: uncomment this to allow same-day scheduling

while (now <= loopEnd) {

    let current = now.setDate(now.getDate() + 1);

    let loopCurrent = new Date(current);







loopDates = loopDates.filter(day => { return scheduleArray.includes(day.getDay()) });

let filteredLoopDates = [];

for (let date of loopDates) {

    let startYear = date.getFullYear();

    let startMonth = date.getMonth();

    let startDay = date.getDate();

    let filteredTimeOptions = [];

    // Run the function to retrive upcoming dates the selected Agent is available to complete the service

    findSameDayappointments(duration, selectedAgent, startYear, startMonth, startDay, filteredTimeOptions);


    if (filteredTimeOptions.length > 0) { filteredLoopDates.push(date) }


let dateOptions = [];

for (let option of filteredLoopDates) { dateOptions.push({label: option.toDateString(), value: option}) };

if (dateOptions.length > 0) {

    let startDateInput = await input.buttonsAsync('Date:', dateOptions);

    startYear = startDateInput.getFullYear();

    startMonth = startDateInput.getMonth();

    startDay = startDateInput.getDate();

    // Run the function to retrive the times the selected Agent is available for the selected date

    filteredTimeOptions = [];

    findSameDayappointments(duration, selectedAgent, startYear, startMonth, startDay, filteredTimeOptions);

    if (filteredTimeOptions.length > 0) {

        // Prompt the user to select a start time

        let startTimeInput = await input.buttonsAsync('Start Time:', filteredTimeOptions);


        // @ts-ignore

        let endDate = new Date(startDate.getTime() + duration*1000)

        // @ts-ignore

        let timeOffset = startDate.getTimezoneOffset();

        // @ts-ignore

        let actualStart = new Date(startDate.getTime() - timeOffset*60000);

        let actualEnd = new Date(endDate.getTime() - timeOffset*60000);


        output.markdown(`*Please confirm that the details below are accurate:*`);

        let sessionDetails = {



            // @ts-ignore

            Start: startDate.toLocaleString(), 

            End: endDate.toLocaleString()



        let confirmed = await input.buttonsAsync('',[{label: 'Confirm!', value: 'true', variant: 'primary'}]);

        if (confirmed) {

            await appointmentsTable.createRecordAsync({

                [BaseSpecificNames.agentField]: [{id:}],

                [BaseSpecificNames.serviceField]: [{id:}],

                [BaseSpecificNames.startField]: actualStart,

                [BaseSpecificNames.endField]: actualEnd,

                [BaseSpecificNames.personField]: [{id: personID}]


            output.markdown(`#### Your appointment was booked successfully`);

            output.markdown(`*Please run the script again to book another appointment.*`);


    } else {

        output.markdown(`#### Unfortunately, there are no available appointment times for ${startDateInput.toDateString()}. Please run the script again and select a new date.`)


} else {

    output.markdown(`#### Unfortunately, ${} has no availability within the next ${dateSearchInterval.label}. Please run the script again to select another ${BaseSpecificNames.agentField}.`)

2 Replies 2

I wrote this script so long ago that I don’t really remember the moving parts.

My guess is to change line 266 to: loopDates.push(now)

That wasn’t it I’ll keep pluggin away at this spot hopefully I get it!
Thanks for the Script btw its awesome!

This is where I’m trying to figure it out if you have any ideas please send them my way!

// Find next available dates where that stylist will be working based on the schedule

output.markdown(`**NOTE:** ${} works on the following days of the week: ${scheduleString}.`);

output.markdown(`*Searching availability for the next ${dateSearchInterval.label}...*`);

let now = new Date();

let loopEnd = new Date();

loopEnd.setDate(now.getDate() + dateSearchInterval.value) // default at two weeks

let loopDates = [];

//loopdates.push(loopCurrent); //NOTE: uncomment this to allow same-day scheduling

while (now <= loopEnd) {

    let current = now.setDate(now.getDate() + 1);

    let loopCurrent = new Date(current);





