The following formula in the Airtable blog post here, under the heading “Find the next occurrence of a specific day :hourglass_flowing_sand: ” with the description:
“if you just need to know the nearest Tuesday to a given date—even if that Tuesday has already passed—this simpler formula will do the trick:”
is as follows:
(It is suggested that the 2
in the formula relates to finding the nearest “Tuesday”, and can be replaced with any other day from Sunday (0) --> Saturday (6) )
I noticed this formula break when the given date
is a Sunday and you are looking for the nearest Thursday (4), Friday
(5) or Saturday (6) (which would occur before the given date).
Since WEEKDAY({given date})
of a Sunday resolves to 0, The formula will never return a day in the past.
More generally,
- if
given date
is Monday (1), this function will never return a day more than 1 day in the past (e.g. Saturday)
- if
given date
is Tuesday (2), this function will never return a day more than 2days in the past etc.
Unless I am misunderstanding the blog post, this formula just appears to be wrong? I know its been a while since it was posted, but I can’t imagine that this ever worked (or should stay published as is)?
Can someone confirm this?