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Application with User Management

Topic Labels: Formulas
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6 - Interface Innovator
6 - Interface Innovator

Hi Airtable Fans,

what I am going to ask will sound crazy, but bare with me :grinning_face_with_big_eyes:

Sofar, Airtable has been a fantastic ace in my sleeve to build prototype and MVP (minimum viable product) applications faster than any of my colleagues can spin off a Java Virtual Machine. Saving, malaxing and serving data with Zapier and co. is absolutely fantastic. Some of those prototypes even landed “in production” and are still in use today because rewriting them “for real” wouldn’t have a high enough return on investment. Big THANKS to the Airtable team for that!

Right now, I am facing the next challenge. The next prototype I’d need to validate a business application idea with, would require some kind of user- and user-specific-data management. And I have no idea if and how I could do with with Airtable.

To make it easier to understand, let’s take the idea of a todo list.

How could I create a distributed, mutli-user todo-list application with Airtable?

  • Many users can add todo-entries (to the same base)
  • Each user can see only their entries

What creative ways can you come up with to enable this?

Thanks a lot,

2 Replies 2
8 - Airtable Astronomer
8 - Airtable Astronomer

I saw this from Mason a while back, might be helpful:

7 - App Architect
7 - App Architect

I know this is an old inquiry, I came across it searching for a similar solution, in case there's a better one that what I'm considering.  There's a free open source wiki product called dokuwiki (see You can see mine at  We use it as a way to document our makerspace. It has built in user management that you can have for general public or specialized namespaces like 'user', 'admin', 'janitor'. It has a fairly robust system to handle lost passwords, and assignment of multiple roles, so a person can be 'user' and 'janitor', but not 'admin'.  This would allow you to embed airtable forms on pages that they have to sign in to see. The one drawback would be that you have to either pay for someone to host your dokuwiki unless you have your own server. Dokuwiki does a great job of identifying security issues and sending out updates.

Jeff Johnson
President, ChattLab Makerspace