Hello, I’m writing with a question on how to set up a REGEX Extract. I assume it should be relatively straightforward but as a beginner I’m finding myself out of my depth. Any help would be appreciated!
Goal: Extract a SKU number from a Webflow Ecommerce string.
String Example: count: 1 height: 0 length: 0 productId: 618573ee195d39c0e1ba4199 productName: Test Board productSlug: test-board rowTotal: {‘unit’: ‘USD’, ‘value’: 100, ‘string’: ‘$\xa01\xa0USD’} variantId: 618573ee82825fd59dc4b5bc variantImage: {‘fileId’: ‘6181a0f79b29435921241715’, ‘url’: ‘https://uploads-ssl.webflow.com/618058264546c2bae56f2188/6181a0f79b29435921241715_Screen%20Shot%2020...’, ‘alt’: None} variantName: Test Board variantPrice: {‘unit’: ‘USD’, ‘value’: 100, ‘string’: ‘$\xa01\xa0USD’} variantSKU: A123 variantSlug: test-board weight: 0 width: 0
Data I want after “variantSKU:” - A123
I’ve already tried this formula but only saw “variantSKU:” returned, not the data I actually want “A123”
REGEX_EXTRACT({Purchased Item},"variantSKU: ")
Thanks in advance!