I’m still plugging along with an Airtable portfolio/project tracker PoC used to support our weekly reporting requirements. I would like to have unique milestones (i.e. different sets of milestones) tied to specific projects. Currently, I have 3 tables with the following (relevant to this discussion) information:
– {Project Name} - Primary field
– {Milestones} - linked to [Milestones] table.
[Status Report Entries]
– {concatenated Project Name + Date/time formula} - Primary field
– {Project Name} - Linked to [Portfolio] table
– {Status} - Long Text
– {Milestone} - Linked to [Milestones] table
– {Milestone} - Primary field
– {Project Name} - Linked to [Portfolio] table
When our managers enter information into the Status Report Entries table, I would like the {Milestone} field to only pull milestones available for a specific project.
Ex) [Milestones] has the following sample entries:
{Milestone} = Field Work , {Project Name = Proj 1}
{Milestone} = Stakeholder Approval , {Project Name = Proj 1}
{Milestone} = Regulatory Approval , {Project Name = Proj 1}
{Milestone} = Discovery , {Project Name = Proj 2}
{Milestone} = Procurement , {Project Name = Proj 2}
{Milestone} = Execution , {Project Name = Proj 2}
Somebody entering information for Proj 2 in the Status Report Entries table should not be offered any of the Proj 1 milestones. Currently, given the above configuration, all entries in the [Milestone] table are offered during [Status Report Entries] data addition.
Is there any way (either with my current config or a different one) to limit selections of milestones to current project? I feel like I am too deep in the weeds and would enjoy another perspective. Thanks.
(edited mangled format)