Apr 24, 2018 06:16 AM
Hi all
I’m trying to create a task table for a Training Company base.
Certain tasks will always be a few days before the deadline.
The Deadline date is in Course Info table.
The Print Course task will is in Tasks.
Print Course will always be 3 days before the deadline.
So how do I make a formula that looks at the Course Info deadline then minuses 3 days from that in Print Course?
Apr 24, 2018 07:16 AM
Do you make a new “Print Course” task for every “Course” you make and link them?
Apr 24, 2018 10:19 AM
Given the following assumptions
[Course Info]
table has a {Course}
field identifying the course and a {Deadline}
field identifying the deadline date.[Course Info]
is linked to the [Tasks]
table using a many-to-one link.[Tasks]
, there is a {Task Type}
field that for some records is set to 'Print Course'
.you need to define a {Print Course Date}
field in [Tasks]
with the following configuration
{Link to Course Info}
field{Course Info::Deadline}
{Task Type}='Print Course',
That should return — on 'Print Course'
task records only — the date three workdays prior to {Course Info::Deadline}
. (A workday is defined as a non-weekend, non-holiday day. The syntax above only skips weekend days; to step past holidays as well, you’ll need to add as a third variable a comma-separated list of ISO-formatted holiday dates, as explained here.
If those assumptions are more than a little off, explain how, and we’ll try this again.
Apr 24, 2018 11:10 AM
I managed to get that to work.
I’ve use the Sales Pipeline tutorial as guide for the recurring tasks.
In that they use a dropdown list for the tasks.
I have these:
I nested the IF statement to look like this:
Do you know of an easier way to do that? There are 7 options.
Apr 24, 2018 05:12 PM
I’m afraid that’s probably your best bet. (For complicated formulas, I compose them offline in an editor, using indentation to make it easier to write and debug. Once I’m done, I copy-and-paste the formula, with indentation, into the formula configuration field. Airtable will accept the indentation; even better, Airtable will preserve it, allowing indented formulas to be copy-and-pasted from Airtable.)
If it’s any consolation, I recently had an IF()
statement with 468 options. :winking_face:
Apr 25, 2018 03:08 AM
That sounds like a fun evening in :joy:
Does make me feel better about my 7 indentations.