Hi. New here to the community and semi-new to Airtable. This question may be answered already, but if so I don’t know the right search terms to find it. It also may be a “one to many relationship” but i’m not understanding how that comes to life.
I have five tabs in a base. The 1st tab is an overall status list that cover three types of jobs (record examples: July social posts, August blog articles, July email marketing), then I have three corresponding tabs that get into the details of those jobs (record examples: in the Social Post tab, there are 15 July social posts records. In the Blog tab, there are 15 August blog topic records. In the July email tab, there are 15 email topic records). Secondarily, in the 2nd-4th tabs, each record is assigned to a person, which exists in the 5th tab. I do this because “July Social Post Job” may have 3 people working on the 15 social posts, and the 2nd-4th tabs create task lists which people can see in the 5th tab.
Question #1: What I would like to do is in the 1st tab, give an overview of the jobs and ideally one column that rolls up the related information from tabs 2-4. Right now, I have three columns that link to each tab, which is not ideal for two reasons. Problem one is having three columns to consider the scope of work per job (which I would show in a count column). Problem two is I would like this column to populate automatically (which I think would happen with a rollup vs. a link to) as it is not ideal to have to select all of the records associated with a job.
Question #2: In the first tab, I have a link to column to designate a lead person to each overall job which shows up in their task list on tab 5. I would like to make a rollup (automatic) that shows in tab 1 which people are working on the records related to that job.
My goal is to have tab 1 that looks like this:
July Social Posts \ Select a Lead: Betsy \ Automatic Team (from tab 5): Mary, Mark, Joe \ Automatic Tasks (from tabs 2-4): 15 social posts
August Blog Articles \ Select a Lead: Jeff \ Automatic Team (from tab 5): Clark, Mary, Jenny \ Automatic Tasks (from tabs 2-4): 15 blog topics
July Email Marketing \ Select a Lead: Betsy \ Automatic Team (from tab 5): Mary, Jenny, Sue \ Automatic Tasks (from tabs 204): 15 email marketing topics
Any help would be appreciated! thank you!