Nov 26, 2018 10:40 AM
“Lookup” allows me to lookup values in the current table. Is there an equivalent to lookup data in another table? In my first table I have: first column is a formula (second column (event_name) & third column (start_date) & fourth column (end_date)). In the second table I want to pull all events in the first table that are upcoming. Right now in the second table, I create a “Link to FirstTable” and in another column I build a “Formula” to parse the information to find the start date, which I then filter.
Is it possible skip the extra work and look up, from the second table, only the events that have an upcoming start date according to the first table? I want to make the second table to be as dynamic as possible.
Nov 26, 2018 01:50 PM
It doesn’t sound like you need two tables. You may just want one table with all your events, and then create a filtered view where the date of the event is always upcoming. That way you wouldn’t need to link anything.
Here’s what I would do:
IF(IS_BEFORE({end_date},TODAY()),"Commenced",IF(IS_BEFORE({start_date},TODAY()),"Happening Now", "Upcoming"))
does not contain “Commenced”]Nov 26, 2018 07:57 PM
Thanks, Kamille. I was able to eliminate the second table.