
Simple formula of date from and date to in the same box

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4 - Data Explorer
4 - Data Explorer

Hi Newbie here and I am pretty sure I will be a constant bother as I have fallen in love with airtable but not my brain quite so much
so I need a formula for Date from - Date to, just the same as on an invoice where I have covered the dates of the invoice. I have yet to try to the actual invoices on forms


1 Reply 1

Assuming you have a date field for both, you can make a formula field to combine the inputs like so:

IF(AND({date Fom}, {Date To}), DATETIME_FORMAT({Date From}, 'YYYY/MM/DD') & ' - ' & DATETIME_FORMAT({Date To}, 'YYYY/MM/DD'))

The formula asks “Have both dates been filled in? If so, write the date like 2020/02/09 - 2020/12/01”