Since calculated fields cannot be merged, why have them appear at all in the dedupe interface? If you have a lot of calculations it’s a lot of clutter.
you can’t merge a calculated field so why to they appear in the “Dedupe” app. In my case I have scores of calculations so using dedupe is difficult because I can’t hide those non-mergable calculation fields.
Since calculated fields cannot be merged, why have them appear in the dedupe block’s merge interface? If you have a lot of calculated fields it’s a lot of clutter with no purpose.
just to clarify. I won’t be modifying the date time fields, airtable will, right? In other words, this is a change Airtable will implement on a specific day, without action from me, that will modify all the date/time fields.
Im not versed in time zone or API management. But I have a simple question. I rely on may Zapier scripts to maintain a large airtable database. Many of the triggers are based on “Modified Record” date and time field. Will this change cause zapier...
I struggle with this app. I have a zillion calculated fields which all show up in the dedupe interface. Why? I can’t merge calculated fields, why are they there? It’s a lot of scrolling to skip all of them.
it’s not perfect, but I have a second airtable pro account I share my databases with. Then I copy them into another workspace at that second account. I do still risk losing it all if somehow all of airtable crashes.