There are separate posts where users have requested row height: dynamic. Being able to change the row height for ALL rows to double-height doesn't actually solve the problem. People want to see all the data in all their cells without having to click ...
Adding my vote for dynamic row height. I'd like to transition from Google Sheets to Airtable for my relational data project management needs, but if I can't view all the details at a glance, that's a non-starter. PLEASE ADD dynamic row height!
Adding my vote for dynamic row height. I'd like to transition from Google Sheets to Airtable for my relational data project management needs, but if I can't view all the details at a glance, that's a non-starter. PLEASE ADD dynamic row height!
Adding my support that text-wrapping is an absolutely CRITICAL feature of data tables. Without it, I simply can't transition my project management to AirTable. Airtable has some great features, but I can't forfeit my ability to view all the data at a...