7 - App Architect
7 - App Architect
since ‎Feb 12, 2017
‎Aug 30, 2023

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  • 61 Posts
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I am trying to upload several jpgs to one record. I use ‘Gallery’ and drop files in bulk to the plus sign bottom right. They are pages from a book and therefore in a sequence. The files are numbered as jpgs in a numerical sequence. Why can I not have...
I have a width entry and a height entry entered in columns W cm [defined as a number field with precision 2 decimal places] H cm [defined as a number field with precision 2 decimal places] I have a formula to bring these together into one field: {W c...
I need to add 100 barcodes to physical objects. The objects are already in a database. I can create 100 barcode numbers outside AirTable but then I need to scan each one to add to the barcode to the barcode field in AirTable. Time consuming. Or I cou...
Does anybody have an idea on how to merge attachments? Lets say I have two records that should really be one record but with different attachments … for instance, one magazine article with two pages. What would be wonderful is if I could copy and pas...
Hi It seems simple enough to set up Page Designer to print say 9 images to a page. Unfortunately I have not come up with a reliable way to set up the print to do this over many pages. My issue is that the first page sets up nicely and the following p...