Base Design
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Forum Posts

Air table shows different results on different accounts

Hi, My boss has created this sheet. I manage airtable automations and things around it.So whenever he opened the account from his side, the sheet results shows some of the incorrect values. But whenever I open Airtable from myside it always shows me ...

iamnoumank by 4 - Data Explorer
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Resolved! Current Pipeline metrics

Hello! I'm using the interface to show our metrics, and I'm looking to show both cumulative pipeline numbers and current pipeline numbers. Under our Tasks table, we tag the pipeline status per task, so cumulative recall is straightforward. How would ...


Unable to switch view Configuration

A base I created has locked views that I cant to set back to collaborative so I can delete those views from my Base, but I am unable to change them to Collaborative, or delete them.Some things to note:- I am currently on a Free version of Airtable- I...

zLow by 4 - Data Explorer
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Resolved! Help: How to mange team members in a table

Hi all, I currently struggle with how I should manage all team members. I would like to have them in a table called "People" (Person Name is just a single text field), with Birthdays, Joning Dates, Headshot image, title, which domain they belong to e...


Resolved! Import a template from another user

Hello,We are one of many Homeshare programs in California, that operate out of different agencies with different tracking systems etc. but we try to collaborate across programs with the understanding that we all are working towards the same end goal....

Homeshare by 4 - Data Explorer
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