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Please, please tell me the home screen won't be updated like the free account

Topic Labels: Base design
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5 - Automation Enthusiast
5 - Automation Enthusiast

My sister is on a free account and she noticed her home screen changed. Please, please tell me this isn’t going to happon the Pro account. It’s so much less user-friendly. The icons are micro sized (which wastes a massive amount of space) and the icons don’t move in the order you want them (has to be alphebetically, etc).

I absolutely LOVE Airtable and it makes work so much better but this is not an improvement.

Can someone let me know if this is happening across all accounts?

Thank you!!


26 Replies 26
5 - Automation Enthusiast
5 - Automation Enthusiast

I completely agree, this does not feel like an improvement at all. I have the free version and this new update has slowed down my workflow immensely. The interface is not user friendly. Please, AT—we love you—let us switch it back! SOS. :pleading_face:

7 - App Architect
7 - App Architect

As an enterprise user, I can confirm that my home screen looks like that now :grimacing:

Oooo no. This simply can’t be! :sob:

This is SO much cleaner and easier to navigate. I just don’t understand.


Personally, I feel that the new home screen is terrible. You can try to get @Jordan_Scott1 involved or try to get involved, but they often make decisions like this that affect us negatively.

8 - Airtable Astronomer
8 - Airtable Astronomer

Oh no!
I still have the old view for now and I’m dreading this change!
I currently have access to nearly 4 dozen bases across 5 workspaces and I used upwards of 20 of them on a regular basis.

The current (old?) homepage is highly functional and efficient. This change will only make my life worse. Please say it ain’t so!

It’s coming to all workspaces very soon… within days. Be sure to speak up about this, but as we all know too well from previous experiences, Airtable rarely (if ever) listens to its paying customers. And it doesn’t seem like they have ever used their own product, either.

Me too! I can move SO quickly across different workspaces and bases - and isn’t that the point? I’m cool with the left side, index-style drop down, but there is no way anyone thinks the smaller icons and wasted space is a good idea. I don’t understand…!

This is my first experience with a major change disrupting my workflow. I refer everyone I know into Airtable - peers, clients, everyone. I’m an entreprenuer focused on ops and systems, and for that, Airtable is gold. I recently moved all my data from Google Docs, Evernote, and Nuclino into AT over 3 companies. So I guess what I’m saying is…I’m begging for this to be optimized and not a step back in functionality! :cry: