Hi everybody,
I'm trying to create an automation to auto-categorize new records based on a different Rules table.
This is what the Rules table looks like:
Uber Transport
Airbnb Travel
Nike Sports
And here's one example of a new record that needs to be matched with records on the above table and assigned a Category.
Uber Amsterdam 03/01 $40,00
I'm close to finding a solution, and this is my current automation:

Basic trigger to watch for new records. I'm thinking about changing it to When Record Updated. Because when the record is created, the fields are still empty, so it doesn't find a match.

I grab all my Rules table so that I can iterate through it in the next step.

I loop through my Rules table...

...and find the records that match the newly created record_ID (I just want to update the new record) AND where the Payee column matches the record in my Rules table.

Update the record.
The problem is that the Update Record step throws an error in case the "Find Record" doesn't find a match..
Any hints about what could I do differently?