
CRM functionality - tracking guest attendance at events

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4 - Data Explorer
4 - Data Explorer

Hey everyone

Background: we are using AT as a CRM

Goal: track who of our customers are at which events

My solution thus far has been to have a People table and an Events table within the same base. Within each event, there is a guest list field that links to the "name" field of the "people" table.

The issue is, I want to be able to quickly link guests to events, i.e. by uploading a CSV guest list and then that automatically linking to the "people" list. Ideally, on the "People" i could create gallery views for each event.

I'm sure something like this is possible  but can't figure out how to do so! anyone have any guidance?? 

3 Replies 3

You might need to massage your data a bit, but the CSV import extension would come in pretty handy here

Could you elaborate on the gallery view bit?  What exactly would you like to see?

4 - Data Explorer
4 - Data Explorer

Thanks! That extension looks helpful. Unfortunately, using this extension it looks like it will create new records. The guests are already records in airtable, but looking for a way to essentially tag a group all at once as having attended an event. Essentially, solving to see if there is a way to mass import guests here (see picture), in such a way that it didn't duplicate their records and linked existing records in "contacts" to the event. 

Screen Shot 2023-04-11 at 8.23.06 AM.png

The CSV Import extension has the ability to update existing records with information so I think you may find that useful