Mar 23, 2021 02:44 PM
I am trying to track work done in a software program that has different Workspaces and within each Workspace there are Apps, that are different depending on the Workspace.
I’d like to create a column with a drop down where you can pick the Workspace from a list . Then once the Workspace is choosen, in the next column, I’d like a drop down of options for the Apps related to that Workspace.
I can figure out the Workspaces drop down but not then how to create different drop down options based on which Workspace was chosen.
Is this possible?? Can I set up a different table of Workspaces and their Apps and link them somehow?
Mar 23, 2021 10:49 PM
Unfortunately, this is not a built-in feature of Airtable. This is called a “dynamic value list” in apps like FileMaker, and I think people in the Airtable community call this a “conditional value list”. I would highly recommend emailing and ask them to please build this feature into the product.
In the meantime, there is a pretty intense workaround that you can try to implement, but it does come with its own set of limitations (for example, only one user can be doing data entry at a time in the fields that are involved with this):
Dec 28, 2022 09:50 AM
Is there anything new regarding this?