
Optimize appearance of gallery view: display several lines per field

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Whereas I am happy to create a nice overview by “gallery” view, I struggle now to show everything I would like to see there: with a link field - multiple records allowed - the gallery view shows only one line and not all content. How can I enforce the display of the whole content in the gallery view (and not only after double click on one card)?

1 Reply 1

Welcome to the community, @Bernd_Rubenstrunk!

Unfortunately, this is not possible with Airtable, and is one of Airtable’s major limitations.

You will probably want to email Airtable Support at to request that they change this.

In the meantime, your only option (outside of custom-coding your own website) is to spend extra money per month on MiniExtensions’ excellent Gallery View. This is the Gallery View that Airtable should have included with Airtable: