
Warning Potentially Risky Form

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4 - Data Explorer
4 - Data Explorer


I have just created a form (still unpublished) and I am having the warning message below.

"image (2)

Do you you know how to solve this issue ?

Thanks !

4 Replies 4

That means that Airtable has flagged your form as potentially dangerous. You’ll need to email to help you resolve the issue.

Thanks ! I have done that. Any insights on what could trigger this warning message ?

Nope! But please share with us what you find out from Support!

Yes, and it probably has little if anything to do with Airtable. My money is on the browser or the network service provider. Something in a DNS registry has flagged the domain as compromised and this could literally be malware running on your computer.

You need to test this on other systems and other networks to see if it is a local or broad issue.