Help refused to connect message when embedding a view with URL filters.

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6 - Interface Innovator
6 - Interface Innovator

I'm trying to avoid having to add a view for each new coach in a coaching engagements base.  The filtered URL works beautifully in a browser, but when I add it to the embed code in the iframe, it gives me the refused to connect message.

<iframe class="airtable-embed" src=" of code hidden for privacy)&filterContains_Engagement=(First Name)+(Last Name)&filterIsAnyOf_Status=In+progress&filterIsAnyOf_Status=Awaiting+SOW&filterIsAnyOf_Status=Assigned&backgroundColor=blue&viewControls=off" frameborder="0" onmousewheel="" width="100%" height="1000" style="background: transparent; border: 1px solid #ccc;"></iframe>

1 Reply 1

As a datapoint, this embed with a filter works fine for me as an embed:

<iframe class="airtable-embed" src="" frameborder="0" onmousewheel="" width="100%" height="533" style="background: transparent; border: 1px solid #ccc;"></iframe>

Wish I could help more, sorry!