I have a custom block running locally and wanted to share it with someone else on the team. Based on the docs, it sounds like running `block release` would be the next step. Doing so produces this output:
Bundling... done
Uploading... Incomplete
Error: ❌ The block could not be found. Make sure your API key is correct and that you have access to the block.
Code: airtableApiBlockNotFound
I have some personal access tokens created with the `block:manage` scope, but it's not clear from the docs how or where the token would be used in a block extension. The docs sort of hint at it being asked for during the init process, but `block init` doesn't seem to do that. I also tried creating a new block from the Hello World example and then releasing it, and it had exactly the same error.
I know there's an almost identically-titled post from last year, but it doesn't help, as the blocks CLI command is up-to-date, and I have created a token with the right scope. And the last bit about calling block set-api-key [APIKEY] wouldn't apply, since API keys are being phased out tomorrow.
Hmm. Well, in desperation, and despite it making no sense (given the name of the CLI command), I tried running set-api-key with a PAT. And that output something about saving it to a `.airtableblocksrc.json` file, which I've never seen mentioned anywhere in the docs. Then I tried running `block release` again... and it worked, finally.
Airtable, fix your docs! And your error messages!