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6 - Interface Innovator

Hi all, i am trying to build a table for holidays via caledarific API.

this is the part of response from json

“meta”: {
“code”: 200
“response”: {
“holidays”: [
“name”: “New Year’s Day”,
“description”: “New Year’s Day is the first day of the year, or January 1, in the Gregorian calendar.”,
“country”: {
“id”: “es”,
“name”: “Spain”
“date”: {
“iso”: “2022-01-01”,
“datetime”: {
“year”: 2022,
“month”: 1,
“day”: 1
“type”: [
“National holiday”
“urlid”: “spain/new-year-day”,
“locations”: “All”,
“states”: “All”
“name”: “Reconquest Day”,
“description”: “Reconquest Day is a provincial holiday in Spain”,
“country”: {
“id”: “es”,
“name”: “Spain”
“date”: {
“iso”: “2022-01-02”,
“datetime”: {
“year”: 2022,
“month”: 1,
“day”: 2
“type”: [
“Local holiday”
“urlid”: “spain/reconquest-day”,
“locations”: “GR”,
“states”: [
“id”: 324,
“abbrev”: “GR”,
“name”: “Granada”,
“exception”: null,
“iso”: “es-gr”

So , i am trying to fetch data in a “Vaciones table” without success.

This is my script

let apiResponse = await fetch(‘’);
let data = await apiResponse.json();
let vacacionesT = base.getTable(‘Vacaciones’);

for (let post of data) {
output.text(Creando registro vacaciones ${})
await vacacionesT.createRecordAsync({
‘descripcion’: post.description,
‘country name’:,
‘date iso’:,
but it says

“TypeError: data is not iterable
at main on line 6”

i am not very familiar with JS, I build this following REST APIs and Airtable (APIs Part 1) | Airscript

but it is obvious that something is not ok.

May anybody help me with this script?


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