Jan 21, 2019 01:12 AM
I am getting an error when using POST via Postman. I am copying the example exactly from the API documentation and changing the authorization key.
I have tried changing the content type, modifying the fields, but nothing worked.
GET method is working.
Why is this?
Jan 21, 2019 07:19 AM
Very strange, I have used Postman successfully in the past to connect to Airtable’s API and also been successful in posting content to the Airtable API via Postman
Please try it via curl and post the result here, I think for some reason Postman and apitester are adding in some extra headers…not sure though.
(Use the same command given in your base’s API documentation)
The curl output should hopefully provide some more insight into what the issue is :slightly_smiling_face:
BTW your API key is visible in the screenshot that you have shared…you will want to blur that part out.
Jul 15, 2024 03:47 PM
Nobody solved this issue in 5 years? Nice.