Hi @Mark_Jamieson,
I was in a hurry at work yesterday, but I shouldn’t have forgotten this!
Tips for Getting Started with the Scripting Block
This is @VictoriaPlummer’s first article that should be consulted before looking for her many explained scripts.
You will gain a lot of energy and enhance the quality and diversity of your scripts if you spot Airtable’s Dev’s Engineers and Community’s Independent Consultants (not far: both of them just replied you here !) on this Block-Script forum because they offered us scripts and masterclasses since the beginning, which are here, ready to be studied, most of them can be forked by you if you understand a little about Licenses and Copyrights you should pay attention to.
It’s a great opportunity that I discovered when I was starting out and I’m still studying and practicing!
You will also visit their Show and Tell by searching their names to filter-out thousands of “product suggestions”.
We can’t thank them enough!