9 - Sun
9 - Sun
since ‎Dec 06, 2018
‎May 11, 2024

User Statistics

  • 272 Posts
  • 1 Solutions
  • 713 Kudos given
  • 162 Kudos received

User Activity

Organize everything with view sections Once you start building out an Airtable base, the number of views (like the new Gantt view ) can quickly multiply. To help better organize all of your views we’ve created view sections to enable base creato...
Introducing Interface Designer :tada: we’re entering beta for adding branching logic to an automation’s actions :heart_eyes: Introducing Interface Designer :tada: Please send me a DM with your full name, company name, job title, and...
Since Bill French’s prediction 268 days ago, I opened every day my AIRTABLE Community window hoping that it would appear in flashing golden letters. As the October 2021 Airtable news was less numerous than the previous months, I told myself that the ...
Hi @Jordan_Scott1 & @Rose_K , Some links from the Forum that deserve a little UP because they don’t seem to be often quoted neither by the Askers, nor by some Helpers: Airtable Team : To maintain (in my opinion) because they are sometimes gold mines ...
BASE UI : Tables LIST in now EMPTY at any UI Comp render:Just take a look at this:It seems to be persistant although my BASE is far from empty:All my Tables are present and OK !Best regards,olπRecorded on MACbook M1, OS Big Sur, CHROME ver.92 autoUpd...