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Hi @Jordan_Scott1 & @Rose_K ,

Some links from the Forum that deserve a little UP because they don’t seem to be often quoted neither by the Askers, nor by some Helpers:

Airtable Team :

To maintain (in my opinion) because they are sometimes gold mines of finds, quickly found in case of need!

Featured Resources

  • One of the best initiatives of AIRTABLE’s Communicants, not to be overshadowed by numerous subjects covered since!


The Featured Resources category contains collections of resources created by both Community users and Airtable to; answer common questions, provide use case examples, and showcase awesome workflows.

Featured Resources - Airtable Community Forum

Maybe those who seek the forum through indexed search techniques (such as those taught in some sections by @Bill.French) don’t really need it, but not everyone does R&D in this exciting field.

Formula Foundations

  • Essential resource to be consulted, consulted again about the formulas available in Airtable! Without forgetting the next one:

New support guides

  • This is already a year old, so Airtable has had a lot of additions and improvements since then but again, such a collection makes sense and could be maintained.

Treasures from AIRTABLE Staff :

  • It’s very difficult to open this can of worms since I didn’t do a systematic search: I only post what I found along the way. There may be others and not the least.

  • just have a look, it’s gold:

Aron’s website and youtube channel by @Aron !

Treasures from Community Experts:

  • Same consideration : It’s very difficult to open this can of worms since I didn’t do a systematic search: I only post what I found along the way. There may be others and not the least.

  • I often quoted these link:


Getting started

Getting started with Airtable Scripting

by @JonathanBowen

Tips for Getting Started with the Scripting Block

by @VictoriaPlummer

- atmosphere

by @kuovonne:

Treasures from Third-part:

Expert’s Scripts:

  • Most of Scripts offered / refactored by the Community Experts:

  • contain examples of solutions to problems that can become scripting-patterns to follow to solve similar recurring problems;

  • contain mostly concise and efficient coding examples using good javascript practices.

that’s not all Folks:

  • I hope to have taken out of the shadows these few links that I bookmarked at the top of my own and I hope that AIRTABLE will be encouraged to maintain its own lists, thematic collections to reveal / recall its own contents more often than when first announced!


Funnily enough, that Featured Resource category is meant to serve this exact role. But I guess you already know that. Though this absence of linking might actually mean it’s doing its job.

Namely, requests for help on these forums tend to fall into one of two categories: here-are-500-words-worth-of-technical-details-documenting-my-troublesome-but-exciting-predicament —aka the good one— and I-tried-nothing-and-am-all-out-of-ideas one.

Neither of which are ideal candidates for drawing people’s attention to general-purpose resources. Well, I guess the second one is, but I’m not surprised users who are hc enough to be forum regulars aren’t falling over themselves to explain how to use Google, etc. to someone who oozes that kind of entitled, I-cant-be-bothered vibe.

But maybe the silent majority, the folks that both have agency of their own and regularly accomplish stuff without explicit outside intervention, are at least partially doing so because they already found their way to all of these resources. I hope so, at least. 🙂

Great list! 😊 🙌

I also created a free Airtable training course on LinkedIn Learning here:
