Suppose I have the graphs stated below.
Chart #1: qty. returns versus weeks
Chart #2: qty. returns versus items during week 12
Chart #3: qty. returns versus items during week 11
Chart #4: qty. returns versus items during week 10
Chart #5: qty. returns versus items during week 9
I want a dashboard where, while I'm on chart #1, and I click a bar over week 12, then chart #2 appears next to it showing the returns per items during week 12;
if I click a bar over week 11, then chart #3 appears next to it. That way I only have two charts at one time, instead of thirteen on a dashboard.
If possible, I would like to keep going with a third chart. When chart #2 appears, if I click an item, e.g. blue towel, then a third chart shows qty. of blue-towel returns versus weeks; if I click another item on chart #2, e.g. water bottle, then the third chart shows qty. of water-bottle returns versus weeks.