
Re: Script exceeded max cpu time of 1000 milliseconds

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5 - Automation Enthusiast
5 - Automation Enthusiast

I know about the restriction related with max CPU time (“Scripts can use a maximum of 1 second of CPU time”). I created a script that runs into automation section, in 95% of times, it runs using less than 500 miliseconds of CPU time but sometimes it exceeds the 1000 miliseconds.

Screen Shot 2020-09-09 at 11.10.31 AM

I dont think so but I need try: there is an way (even paying more) to get more time?
If it is not possible, what is the best approach to try reduce the time? I mean, what is the part of the code that are “more CPU time consuming” for Airtable perpective?

let users = base.getTable('CoreVette');
let reps = base.getTable('Reps');
let refs = base.getTable('References');

let inputConfig = input.config();
let newRecordId = inputConfig["recordId"];

let repsResult = await reps.selectRecordsAsync();
let repsStorage = {};
for (let recordRep of repsResult.records) {
    repsStorage[recordRep.getCellValue('Email')] = recordRep.getCellValue('Manufacturer');

let refsResult = await refs.selectRecordsAsync();
let refsStorage = {},
    ptAux = '',
    refAux = '';

for (let recordRef of refsResult.records) {
    ptAux = recordRef.getCellValue('PT VALUE');
    if (ptAux == null) {
        ptAux = '';
    refAux = recordRef.getCellValue('LIST OR TYPE');
    if (refAux == null) {
        refAux = '';
    refsStorage[recordRef.getCellValue('DOMAIN')] = {
        'point': ptAux,
        'reference': refAux

let result = await users.selectRecordsAsync();

let flagUpdate = false,
    objectToUpdate = {},
    domain = '',
    email = '',
    manufacturer = '',
    refValue = '',
    pointValue = '';

for (let record of result.records) {

    if ( == newRecordId && record.getCellValue('Email')) {
        domain = record.getCellValue('Domain');
        email = record.getCellValue('Email');
        flagUpdate = false;
        objectToUpdate = {};
        if (typeof repsStorage[email] != "undefined") {
            manufacturer = repsStorage[email];
            if (typeof manufacturer != "undefined") {
                objectToUpdate['Rep Mfr'] = manufacturer;
                flagUpdate = true;
        if (typeof refsStorage[domain] != "undefined" && refsStorage[domain]) {
            refValue = refsStorage[domain]['reference'];
            pointValue = refsStorage[domain]['point'];

            if (typeof refValue != "undefined") {
                objectToUpdate['References'] = refValue;
                flagUpdate = true;

            if (typeof pointValue != "undefined") {
                objectToUpdate['Point Value'] = pointValue;
                flagUpdate = true;

        if (flagUpdate) {
            await users.updateRecordAsync(record, objectToUpdate);
1 Reply 1

I answered this in your other post on the same topic.