
Re: Script for updating a linked record

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6 - Interface Innovator
6 - Interface Innovator

Hello dear members of the community,
I hope you’re doing well.

I am requesting your help because Airtable removed the “editable shared view” that I was using before. I therefore need to find a workaround.

I would like to use a script, so that when a partner edits a Linked Field (here ‘Status’) in his Table View, it will directly compare its value to the Status of the client in my Lead Table (lookup field) to update it, based on the one the partner selected.

I have been able to prepare what I want using VSCode but I know nothing about scripting in JS or JSON. Could someone please help me ?

I am adding some pictures to show the structure and what I imagined.

Thanks a lot in advance for your help,

Screenshot 2022-10-03 at 17.08.22
Screenshot 2022-10-24 at 11.20.37

6 Replies 6


the lookup represents a value in your table, from a record, whose name is “Cies Out” (and “Attente 1er Depot” in second). Your partner is not really ‘edit’ linked field, he choose among records in your table. And lookup is not static, it depends on the record chosen in linked field. So why you just don’t fix all in your table?

6 - Interface Innovator
6 - Interface Innovator

Hello @Alexey_Gusev ,
Thanks for your answer.

My partner does not have access to my main base directly. The ‘Status from Lead’ will be hidden. He will only have access to the ‘Status’ linked field. I need the script to update ‘Status from Lead’ (lookup from my lead table) based on partner selection in ‘Status’ because it will stop or launch my email sequences.

At first I wanted to create a view from my CRM and give only some info to my partner but my primary field is not the same (and can’t be), because of sensitive data I want to keep internally only.


You don’t need script for that, just automation triggered by update in Linked field, properly defined in ‘conditional actions’.
When I did a simple solution to get info from client with preventing direct access to base, I synced a view with non-critical info, add editable fields in synced table, synced his view back to my base (another table, of course) and linked my source with returned data to see all questions and answers in a single table.

6 - Interface Innovator
6 - Interface Innovator

I tried different options but seems the “only way”.

I already have different synced tables within my main base, and I manage to organise everything between them, but he cannot work for this specific need of editable view.

Because the “Status” that is to be chosen from the partner in its view is creating a duplicate in my ‘Status’ table, and thus do not update my CRM, which therefore do not stop/ launch my sequencing and is a big problem for me because it means I will/or will not send email to people who should receive/or not one.

The thing is that in both table my ‘key field’ is not the same. That’s why I think only a script can help me here…(see 2nd raw of the picture). This is the same person however.

Screenshot 2022-10-25 at 16.59.09

6 - Interface Innovator
6 - Interface Innovator

Hey guys, would someone have any idea on how to help for this issue ?


If you're still needing a hand with this problem, please provide a few more examples and pictures of the problem - I *think* I'm understanding of what might be needed, but I would like a slightly clearer, simpler description of exactly what it is that you're trying to solve before I can assist.