I'm issuing the following request to Airtable from Retool via the Sequin Proxy:
"request": {
"url": "https://proxy.sequin.io/api.airtable.com/v0/{BASE_ID}/sample_requests_raw/{RECORD_ID}",
"method": "PATCH",
"body": "{\n \"fields\": {\n \"Status\": \"my_status\",\n \"my_multiselect_field\": [{name: \"my_multiselect_field_value\"}],\n }\n}",
"headers": {
"User-Agent": "Retool/2.0 (+https://docs.tryretool.com/docs/apis)",
"Authorization": "---sanitized---",
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"X-Retool-Forwarded-For": "",
"x-datadog-trace-id": "2270676987214102529",
"x-datadog-parent-id": "1683543301097941794",
"x-datadog-sampling-priority": "1",
"ot-baggage-requestId": "undefined"
This gives me the following response:
"response": {
"data": {
"errors": {
"detail": "Bad Request"
"headers": {
"date": [
"Thu, 02 Mar 2023 12:51:04 GMT"
"content-type": [
"application/json; charset=utf-8"
"content-length": [
"connection": [
"cache-control": [
"max-age=0, private, must-revalidate"
"server": [
"status": 400,
"statusText": "Bad Request"
However, if I change the value of my_multiselect_field from [{name: \"my_multiselect_field_value\"}] to [], then the request is successful.
What am I doing incorrectly? I followed the Airtable Docs to check how to update the multiselect field.