Sep 11, 2020 12:55 PM
I have a table a that has a column with a paid field. I want another table column to bring over that paid field column only if it is filled. Not empty.
Sep 13, 2020 08:04 PM
So tomorrow I will look out for this.
It seems simple to be able to sum one column from one table and roll it up or view that total in a field in another table.
Sep 13, 2020 08:20 PM
The sum of a column (as displayed in the summary bar) is not available outside of the summary bar. This is one of the ways that Airtable is different from a spreadsheet.
However, you can calculate the sum of linked records using a rollup field. If you want a record to use the sum of all the records in another table, that record needs to to link to all of the records in the other table.