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Re: Client Fee Formula

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5 - Automation Enthusiast
5 - Automation Enthusiast

Hi, good people of the Airtable community!

I am a therapist who sees clients. Each client will be charged a fee in Great British Pounds (£). If attended, a client will be charged £50. If a client does not attend or provides a late cancellation, their fee will be £35. I have a Google Calendar synced table. I have added one tick box column titled ‘Did Not Attend?’.

I want a formula that records £50 if attended (default state) but changes the fee to £35 if I tick the box that denotes a did not attend/late cancellation status.

A little problem to be solved that I hope someone might enjoy.

2 Replies 2

This is a very basic IF() formula. Also set the formatting options for the field to currency with the appropriate symbol.

  {Did Not Atttend?},

If you want to get more out of Airtable, I highly recommend learning more about writing formulas. While people on these forums are often helpful in coming up with formulas, it can take a while and your development will go much easier if you learn to create these types of formulas yourself. I also recommend the formula field reference.

Thank you so much Kuovonne! and thank you for signposting me to the right place as a starter, I would like to learn formulas :slightly_smiling_face: