
Re: Combining 2 IF formulas

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I am looking for to have 2 different conditions in one formula. I believe I should be using IF OR but I must be missing something. Here are the formulas:

IF(DATETIME_DIFF(TODAY(), {Finish WK 17-24 (Progression)}, 'days')<0, BLANK(), IF( {Start WK 17-24 (Progression)}=BLANK(), BLANK(), IF(DATETIME_DIFF({Finish WK 17-24 (Progression)}, {Re-Entry: Start WK 17-24}, 'weeks')<8, "", "✔")))  

If date is blank then: 

IF({Finish WK 17-24 (Progression)} = BLANK(), "", "✔") 


Please help!




3 Replies 3
6 - Interface Innovator
6 - Interface Innovator

In your initial IF statement, instead of putting BLANK, put "" or "✔", then put another IF statement for the opposite condition, and so on from there. I don't think you can run an IF statement on a field's value when you're running the IF statement in that field.


Thanks for your response. I tried that, but the field did not populate with "acantaffa_0-1681403854393.pngwhere it was once blank. Here is what I did: 

IF(DATETIME_DIFF(TODAY(), {Finish WK 17-24 (Progression)}, 'days')<0, "", IF( {Start WK 17-24 (Progression)}=BLANK(), BLANK(), IF(DATETIME_DIFF({Finish WK 17-24 (Progression)}, {Re-Entry: Start WK 17-24}, 'weeks')<7, "", "✔"))) 
6 - Interface Innovator
6 - Interface Innovator

It's hard for me to give further feedback without having your base in front of me, but this statement: IF(DATETIME_DIFF(TODAY(), {Finish WK 17-24 (Progression)}, 'days')<0, "", should work if your DATETIME_DIFF formula is true. I'm not seeing anything wrong with your formula in general. You can always double check your formulas by temporarily splitting them out into separate fields to make sure they are giving the expected result.