Apr 23, 2020 06:59 AM
The Count field lets you count the number of linked records.
For example, take the screenshot below
Line 8, I want the count field to count the number of linked records in Team 1-4 and then add them up.
Is there a way to do this?
Seems like this should be easy but may have reached the limit of Airtable.
This is essential to the business use case I want to get Airtable for my organisation.
Any work arounds are appreicated too.!
Apr 23, 2020 07:01 AM
Airtable wont let me add a picture
So a brief description
Total field followed by Team 1 Team 2 Team 3 Team 4
Each of the team fields are linked to a record on another table.
I want to the Total field to count the linked records in each column Team 1-4, and add it up. Count field only lets you count one field not others
Apr 23, 2020 07:54 AM
Hi @Hiteshree_Ruparell - workaround here would be to add a count field for each linked field, then make your total field a formula which adds the count fields. You can hide the 4 count fields if you don’t want to see these in your view.
Aug 06, 2022 02:54 AM
How about if you have the same teams linked in multiple fields. It would count them twice. Is there a way of counting unique linked records across fields?