Hi! I’ve been a casual user of AirTable for a few years now, but at my current new job I’ve decided to spread the gospel so I’m building my first bases from scratch. Turns out not as easy as I thought!
I have two tables, one tracking external companies (let’s say table 1) and one tracking internal programs (table 2). Both have columns identifying “population” and “condition”. These multi-select columns contain the exact same dropdown options. I would like to create a column where, If condition AND population from table 1 = condition AND population from table 2, table 1 would get checkbox checked, and table 2 would get the relevant company linked. Right now I’m manually linking the company name when this occurs which seems really unnecessary.
Similarly, I have a third table tracking tool requests (let’s say table 3). If tool in table 1 = tool in table 3, I’d like to link the company name from table 1 into table 3. Again, I’m doing this manually now. I’ve gotten kinda close with this one, with this formula: IF({Tool type}=({Partners seeking:}, “ :white_check_mark: ”, BLANK())… but I’m getting the checkmark for matching blank boxes (where I just haven’t input the information yet).
Any help would be appreciated! I’m sorry if this is a simple question and I’m just noob. Feel free to link to other convos on the same topic if I’ve missed them!