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Re: Formula discriminates between outputs

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5 - Automation Enthusiast
5 - Automation Enthusiast

Hi all - I'm having a very strange issue with a Formula field. I've got a Status field (single select) that informs a Formula field. i.e. if the Status field says ABC, then make the Formula field say XYZ. It's working perfectly except for two outputs. Now here's where it gets weird: after extensive testing, the issue seems to be with the output string, not the input. 

  • If the Status is Booking Received, the Formula field should return "Booking received, waiting for pickup confirmation" but it returns a blank field. I also can't get it to return any results when I change the formula to return my name, the word Test, or gibberish lettering. 
  • But when I type one of the other results that is working for another status, it works! Meaning if I type "Decline" in to the formula in place of "Booking received, waiting for pickup" it returns Declined. So weird, right?? Why will it only return certain other existing outputs?
  • The same thing is happening for the "On hold" result. It will not return the words "On hold" or any random string I test it with, but it will return one of the other existing statuses.




        {Latest CSF Status} = "Submitted - container cleared",

        {Latest CSF Status} = "Closed - lost possession of container"


    "Shipment & CSF complete",



            Status = "(SH) Post-load sent",

            Status = "(SHI) Invoice pulled",

            Status = "(SHIPPED) Docs sent"


        "Container loaded - waiting for CSF",


            Status = "Tentative",

            "Waiting for booking & pickup confirmation",


                Status = "Booking received",

                "Booking received, waiting for pickup confirmation",


                    Status = "Pickup confirmed",

                    "Booking received & pickup confirmed",



                            Status = "Declined",

                            Status = "Released",

                            Status = "Cancelled"




                            Status = "Hold",

                            "On Hold",










Thanks for any help!




7 Replies 7
18 - Pluto
18 - Pluto

Perhaps you could try using "&" to concatenate the IFs instead of nesting them, e.g.


        {Latest CSF Status} = "Submitted - container cleared",
        {Latest CSF Status} = "Closed - lost possession of container"
    "Shipment & CSF complete"
) &

        Status = "(SH) Post-load sent",
        Status = "(SHI) Invoice pulled",
        Status = "(SHIPPED) Docs sent"
    "Container loaded - waiting for CSF"
) etc etc


That would simplify the formula and would surface any logic issues quickly

If that doesn’t resolve the issue, could you share a copy of your base without any records in it? This would allow others to troubleshoot more effectively, as the fields and options from scratch would be quite challenging

Have you checked the configuration of the single-select field? Could there be a hidden space at the beginning or end of the choice name?

I also suggest using a SWITCH() function.

SWITCH( {Latest CSF Status},
  "Submitted - container cleared", "Shipment & CSF complete",
  "Closed - lost possession of container", "Shipment & CSF complete",
SWITCH( {Status},
  "(SH) Post-load sent", "Container loaded - waiting for CSF",
  "(SHI) Invoice pulled", "Container loaded - waiting for CSF",
  "(SHIPPED) Docs sent", "Container loaded - waiting for CSF"
  "Tentative", "Waiting for booking & pickup confirmation",
  "Booking received", "Booking received, waiting for pickup confirmation",
  "Pickup confirmed", "Booking received & pickup confirmed",
  "Declined", "Declined",
  "Released", "Declined",
  "Cancelled", "Declined",
  "Hold", "On Hold"



Oooh, I never thought of putting another SWITCH inside the default like that, that's neat!  Thanks for that!

@TheTimeSavingCo wrote:

Oooh, I never thought of putting another SWITCH inside the default like that, that's neat!  Thanks for that!

You're welcome. I format the nested SWITCH() the same way I format nested IF() functions. In these cases, I find less indenting to be easier to read.

5 - Automation Enthusiast
5 - Automation Enthusiast

Thank you for your input! I tried both alternative formulas and unfortunately neither one returns different results than the original formula (and I've also checked the Status field for extra spaces, etc). Here's a simplified version of the problem using the SWITCH formula:

  • This formula returns no results: 
    • SWITCH( {Status},
      "Booking received", "Booking received, waiting for pickup confirmation"


  • While this formula works perfectly, but it's useless because it's successfully returning the wrong result:
    • SWITCH( {Status},
      "Booking received", "Booking received & pickup confirmed"

It's as if there's a list of acceptable outputs somewhere, and two of my outputs ("Booking received, waiting for pickup confirmation" and "On hold") do not meet the requirements for some reason. But I cannot figure out why.

Is there a way I can share a copy of the base without having to make you editors? 

Thanks for your attention on this! I'm stumped. 

18 - Pluto
18 - Pluto

Do you have your formula field set up to format the result as a single-select? If so, you must manually add the different possible values that the formula can output to the configuration of the field on the formatting tab.


It is possible to provide a read-only copy of the base, but that would not provide access to the configuration of the field. 

A better alternative is to post screenshots of the field configurations and the sample data.

re: Is there a way I can share a copy of the base without having to make you editors? 

@Kelsey-   Yeap check out this link:

And you would need to toggle on the "Allow viewers to copy data out of the base" option

Please only do this with a duplicated copy of your base with no production data in it though! 

re: It is possible to provide a read-only copy of the base, but that would not provide access to the configuration of the field.

@kuovonne  Hmm I think this works for field configurations, but not for automations.  Here's a public shared base link, and once we copy that base to our own workspace we have access to the field configs:

For automations we need to actually be collaborators though I believe