Hello! I am looking for help creating a formula for data entry automation.
Screenshot 1: Table: Activities
Category column: Multiple select
Grants column: Links to another record
Workplan project column: Links to another record
Screenshot 2: Table: Grant 1
Deliverable: Long text
Activities: not sure what field type to use, formula?
Workplan projects: not sure what field type to use, formula?
I will enter data in the “Activities” table, including 1 or more categories for each activity, 1 or more grants for each activity, and 1 or more workplan projects for each activity. In the example, I have titled the activity “test webinar” categorized it as “webinars” made it apply to “grant 1"” and “WP project 1.” Since it applies to Grant 1 and the “webinars” category, I would like it to then automatically enter the Activity Name under “Activities” in the “Grant 1” table in the “conduct at least 5 webinars” deliverable column. I would also like it to automatically transfer the accompanying workplan project(s) from table: Activities, column: workplan project to table: Grant 1, column: workplan projects.
I plan to build this out with 5-6 grants that would pull information from the Activities table. There may be multiple grants and categories for each activity.
Thank you!