Sorry, i'm new. I'm trying Airtable to check if i can use for my project. I have a question, maybe simple, maybe not.
I have 3 tables:
- Match:
- Team1
- Team2
- ScoreTeam1
- ScoreTeam2
- Season
- Winner (formulae: IF({Score Team 1} > {Score Team 2}, {Team 1}, {Team 2})) (string)
- Team
- Shortname as identifier
- FullName
- Season
I have to create a new table SeasonScoreboard:
- Team
- CountVictory
- CountDefeat
For the CountVictory i've tried COUNTA( IF( OR( RECORD_ID() = {Match}, {Team.ShortName} = {Match.Winner} ), 1 ) ) but it's not working. My formulae dosn't pass the spell check.
I want to know how to get child from other table...
Can you help me?