I am using a form with some prefilled fields. It works great as long as the item name doesn't include certain special characters. For instance, if it includes an "&" anything after the "&" won't be prefilled. So "Mop & Broom Holder" prefills as just "Mop". Some of the product names we have are a bit long, so it can be a pain to have to type everything out. I know why this is happening, but I'm wondering if there is a way to include the "&" in a url and have it be part of the prefilled information.
This is the formula I am using in the button that leads to the form.
Form URL'&'?prefill_Name='&Item&'&prefill_Quantity='&{Received Qty}&'&prefill_Project+Tag='&{Project Tag}&'&prefill_Date+of+Update='&TODAY()
This is the URL that I get from that formula using the "Mop & Broom Holder" and an example